Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good People In This World

This time of year is CRAZY!! You know it is. We all feel it. A years worth of gratitude stuffed into two months. At least that's what I feel. A years worth of showing your love for others stuffed into two months. I don't think of feeling grateful in May or even October. The grateful bug hits at the beginning of November and travels through December. Then in January I am so exhausted from feeling grateful that I don't think of it until November again. Stupid huh?

I am so very grateful for everything I have ---family, job, home, husband, children, church, etc, etc. etc.---but this morning I realized that I should be grateful for strangers too. Now this thought came to me as I went into my morning pit stop before work, QT. This isn't any QT. This is MY QT. My Lindsay and Baseline QT. In this chilly weather I have to go to QT before work every morning to indulge in their fabulous hot chocolate. They have the best hot chocolate known to man. You can add extra flavors that make it.....whoa, getting off track. Sorry. Back to being grateful. So anyway, when I enter my QT every morning the door is always held open for me by some stranger. Woman, man, child. Every day is different. Not only is my door held open for me but there is usually a thank you and a you're welcome with a smile. These people don't have to smile at me. They don't even have to hold the door for me. BUT THEY DO! That small gesture of kindness really brightens my day. There is still kindness in the world at my QT. For this I am grateful.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Erik Look-A-Like

This reminds me of somebody I know. He happens to be married to my Amber.
Do you see the resemblance?