Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What's Up???

So if you've noticed on the side of my blog there is a count down thingy for Ashley's wedding. It reads that today there is 2 weeks and 2 days left until the "Big Day". I need at least 2 months and 2 days until the "Big Day".
I am the biggest procrastinator. Out of my girls Ashley has had the longest engagement. So I should be way ahead of the game in getting everything done for her wedding, right? Nooooooo. I did better having two weddings 8 weeks apart than I have done having 10 months to prepare for this one. I am still sewing bridesmaids dresses that could have been done last year before Christmas. (Remind me never to sew bridesmaids dresses again. I don't care how much the dresses cost. Not having to sew them is totally worth it!!!) I haven't bought any of the food yet. Haven't even figured out how much to buy. And once I figure all that out I get to start cooking. Yippee!! (note sarcasm here)
Oh well, as they say, everything will come together in the end. All I know is that Aubrey is going to have the easiest wedding reception because after 19 months straight of planning and doing weddings, I am darn tired. For her wedding, EVERYTHING will be done by someone else.
(Yeah, right!!)

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